Join The Online Movie Swap

Last week, I got an idea while talking with fellow blogger and friend Matt @ The Album. He’s always suggesting movies for me to watch, especially since I haven’t seen a lot of classics, so I had told him that the next time I had time to watch a movie, he could pick it. After asking Twitter for help and debating it for a while, he told me to watch Big. And I did. It was a pretty good movie. And then I got the idea.

You know how there are these blind book swaps where people send their favourite book to someone random and they in turn get a book? Why isn’t that done with movies? We all have that one movie we just want to make everyone in the world watch, and with Netflix and all, you wouldn’t even need to send a physical DVD or give out your address or anything. And then I thought, I should try to organize one. In fact, I thought, this would be a great blogging thing because after you watch the movie, you can blog about it! I took the idea back to Matt and he loved it, so he’s going to help me out with this project. We worked on it all week and are really excited about it.

Image result for teamwork high five gif

So what do ya say? Does this sound like something you’d be interested in? I hope you’re thinking yes because we already have a submission form down below!

Here’s how it’d work. The form consists of a few questions like your name, email (so I can contact you), and url (if you’re a blogger), and then it asks for three movie suggestions. The reason we ask for three is so there are back ups in case your recipient has already seen your first suggestion. As much as I want you all to share your favourite movies, chances are, most people have already seen Avengers, so that wouldn’t be a good suggestion. Try suggesting smaller, lesser-known, or older movies. If you don’t have Netflix or a library where you can borrow a DVD, don’t worry, I can hook you up with a movie streaming site.

If you’re not a blogger and still want to join, that’s great! One of the questions asks if you blog and if you click No, then your recipient will be someone who also doesn’t blog. We want to keep bloggers together because bloggers like making connections and most of this blog’s readers are other bloggers.

All the submissions will be randomly assigned to someone else. You’ll get sent someone’s movies but they probably won’t get yours.

Ready to participate? Here’s the link to the form:

The submission form will be open until April 9th, so there’s plenty of time to share and get as many people to join. After that, I will email you with someone’s movie suggestions within a few days (hopefully) and you can get watching! The fun thing about this is there’s no obligation to watch anything. But I gotta say, there’s something fun about blindly watching some suggested movie, and even more so when you know that the suggested movie is someone’s favourite.

We’re really excited about this and I hope you guys all join in! If you have questions or concerns, feel free to ask!

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24 thoughts on “Join The Online Movie Swap

  1. Brilliant idea!! I love that you are using the blogging platform for this wonderfully fun project. At the end (or after a certain amount of time for participants to enjoy the movies) you should post some analytics regarding the titles shared, watched and some opinions on them. I hope the movie watchers will chime in with their opinions. Imagine the list you will have compiled.

    • That’s an interesting idea, we hadn’t considered an analytics post, but perhaps if we have enough data that we feel interesting, we’ll put one together! Thanks!

  2. This is such a good idea! I love finding new films so have joined up 🙂 also, afterwards will we know who has recommended the films to us so we can discuss the film with them afterwards if we wish?

    • You can if you’d like! Once we send out the emails with movie suggestions, what happens next is out of our hands, but I think liveblogging is a really cool idea and if you do choose to do that, send me a link so I can read it!

  3. It sounds a great idea (and I didn’t know people did this with books too!)… Anyhow, seeing as I’m ancient, I can think of lots of great OLD movies… The difficulty would be trying to limit myself to a SINGLE one!

  4. Awww awesome idea!! I’m super busy atm (and in many swaps LOL) So, I’ll be back for entering my details once my schedule is clean 🙂

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