Skills I Wish I Could Include On My Resume

Resumes are a pain, but we all have one. Obviously the resume I have was good enough to land me a full-time job in my field a few months ago. I spent a lot of time on that resume. But the thing is, all these fancy-shmancy companies that saw that resume didn’t ask for the good stuff. Like, yeah, sure, I have a degree. And yeah, I volunteered for an event. Cool. I’ll tell you that. But what about the other things? At what point do I let employers know how many times I sneezed last year? I am an expert sneezer. They should know that. And they should know I’m really good at spooning out just the noodles in a chicken noodle soup. I am a package deal, after all.

I guess one could argue that it’s “unprofessional”. Good thing I don’t care about that on this blog! So here, my dear readers, are a list of all the skills I wish I could include on my resume.

  • Has the high score on Bop-It (on both levels)
  • Is really good at scoring in Quidditch from far away
  • Can recite several musical soundtracks in their entirety including but not limited to: Hamilton, The Last Five Years, and Dear Evan Hansen
  • Can live off of cheese pizza and plain pasta for a good long time
  • Is a fast walker. Additionally, takes the stairs two at a time.
  • Can solve the 15-number slide puzzle really fast.
    15 slide puzzle
  • Is up on the teen lingo and memes
  • Often sneaks food into movie theaters
  • Types reasonably fast
  • Knows all the words to ‘We Didn’t Start The Fire’ by Billy Joel
  • Forced her grade 10 religion teacher to stop class on November 11th 2011 at 11:11am to make The Ultimate Wish
  • Has an amazing sense of direction and has led her family around foreign cities many times
  • Successfully can manage to keep up with 14-ish TV shows a week
  • Is really good at the Coconut Mall course in Mario Kart Wii
  • Can function pretty well on little sleep
  • Can clap off the clap light on the first try about 60% of the time
  • Never misses an email because she checks it far too often
  • Can eat raw onions with little to no crying. Similarly, can cut raw onions with little to no crying.

I've got mad skills gif

These are just some of my hidden talents and skills that I am very proud of, and I’m not joking when I say that. Most people may never know and fully appreciate these. It’s a shame. I think it’s cool that I (and I’m sure most people) have these interesting skills that don’t get a chance to come out that often.

What skills of yours do you wish you could openly advertise more often?


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15 thoughts on “Skills I Wish I Could Include On My Resume

  1. I loved this article! Great taste in musicals! I’m like that with The Wedding Singer, Legally Blonde musicals. It’s funny how so many years can go by, but I’ll just remember most of the words to all those songs, LoL. Well I did see both a few times, so that’s probably why, LoL.

    What are the TV Shows that you’re keeping up with? As I TV Nerd, I had to ask, LoL.

    • Actually, I can probably sing all of Legally Blonde too. It’s a great musical.

      TV for me this fall consists of the Arrowverse + Black Lightning, This Is Us, Modern Family, The Good Place, Superstore, Blindspot, and Mr. D as returning shows, and I’m trying out Manifest, Single Parents, God Friended Me, and A Million Little Things. Quite busy but I’m looking forward to it!

      • Yes, Legally Blonde was such a wonderful show! I feel like it wasn’t appreciated and was overlooked at the time for being so good. Cause it was so good =)!

        About to watch the Supergirl finally tonight! Still a few episodes behind on The Flash and Black Lighting. I am on Season Four of Arrow, but never really returned to it. I just couldn’t really get into that series.

        Love your list of shows. I watch all of those except for Mr. D, what’s that?

        Manifest, Single Parents, and A Million Little Things were all so good! Looking forward to God Friended Me too!

        • Arrow has been disappointing the past few years. I can’t say I look forward to watching it weekly but…I’ll do it anyway, I suppose.
          Mr. D is a Canadian show about a Michael Scott-like teacher. The show was really funny in its first few seasons.
          I have my qualms about each of the new shows but I can’t say I was majorly disappointed with any of them so far!

          • One of these days I’m going to try and watch Arrow again. It’s kind of annoying that I don’t watch that show cause I watch all the other DC shows on the CW. When there’s the crossover episodes I’m always a little confused when they do the Arrow episodes, LoL.

  2. This made me crack up, but honestly the first thing that popped into my head was “I can whup you at Jeopardy” but really only if the categories are in my favor! Lol

    I’m disabled and use my feet for everything so the other one is I’ve watched over 20 cooking shows on TV, so I’m pretty sure I can bake like a pro, but people rarely like feet so that definitely takes me out.

    • Being skilled at Jeopardy is impressive! I can do alright in any pop-culture based categories but any other general knowledge is nothing to me!
      Also I would 100% watch a show about people cooking with their feet.

      • Yeah, my mom is the same way, she can whizz through the pop culture and some book related categories but that’s basically it. I usually do pretty good with food, royalty, art, history (just not American history lol( and literature sometimes too. 🙂

  3. You could actually put some of those on your resume by just wording them right. Like being up on teen lingo and memes would come under communicating with younger audiences and typing fast definitely is useful in some professions! Same with keeping up with 14 TV shows; that’s super planning and organisational skills right there 😉

    This was super fun to read and I really should so something like this myself some time!

    • I’m glad you liked the post! It was fun to write, so you should totally write one of your own!
      (And I do have pop-culture as an ‘interest’ on my real resume :P)

  4. Haha this is great! And actually, I think you can sneak in a few “fun” things on a resume. When I was in college I started a club, the Harry Potter Society. Granted, it fits into my field well (I’m a librarian), but everyone always brought it up at interviews. My brother helped co-found it and put it on his resume as well, and he actually got his first full-time job (and not in a literary related field) because of it! They told him his resume was pretty standard but the interviewer was a big Harry Potter fan and was so intrigued by the Harry Potter society they had to bring him in for an interview. And then he did well in person and got the job!

    • I do really have Quidditch on my resume as an ‘interest’ and have gotten asked about it in interviews, which is always fun. That’s so cool that you brother got a job from it, though!

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