A Tribute To Microsoft Paint

Stop laughing, I’m serious.

I’m not very artistic. I’m good enough for Pictionary but that’s about it. That doesn’t mean that I don’t like being creative. Once in a while, a creative urge will form and I make do with the tools I have: Microsoft Paint.

Image result for microsoft paint logo

Microsoft Paint is terrible. It is somehow so basic but also not user-friendly at all. It’s awkward and lacking and needs updating. But it gets the job done. For the longest time, it was all I had, so I know how to use it to get what’s in my brain into reality.

And I know Photoshop is great. I get it and the rest of Adobe suite for free from school. So what I can’t do on Paint, I do on Photoshop. But Photoshop is also really complex. It’s an art itself. And I am unskilled. A course I took last year involved it, but we were only taught really basic things that I already forget and for a week only, so my knowledge is laughable. I don’t have time to teach myself more when I already have mastered Paint.

So why this tribute? Why now? Well, in the past 24 hours from writing this, I have used Paint twice for major projects at school. And not to brag, but the results look really good. I am impressed and proud. I’d show you, but that’s what we educated folks call an academic offence.

Even my blog logo, that little bean, is a product of MS Paint. It took me twenty minutes and I love it. I’ve considered changing everything on my blog, but never that bean.


I think people underestimate how useful MS Paint is. As much as doing somethings are a pain with it, it is great for very basic cropping, drawing and editing. Plus it’s free. The program is just there. Always.

Anyways, this post idea was the result of doing homework at 2am, but I just really felt the need to publicly declare my love for Paint. No one appreciates it enough, so I have to make up for it by bothering all of you readers with this post.

Here’s to you, Microsoft Paint. Thanks for being with me through that awful grade 11 class when learned nothing so I literally just messed around with you for the whole semester. Thanks for being with me through five plus years of blogging, always there when I needed a quick edit or a header. Thanks for being with me through school projects. I probably shouldn’t be using you in University but here I am…it’s worked out so far. Thanks for being with me through boredom, making it fairly easy to be creative on a whim.

Image result for shoutout gif

I feel bad for you suckers on Macs. You’re missing out on MS Paint. What do you guys have? Paintbrush or something? Lame.

Anyways, I’ll go back to my assignments now. Feel free to leave a comment expressing your love for Paint. Or if you can, copy and paste a picture of your best Paint creation.


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