Monthly Look Ahead: February 2016

Another month, another Monthly Look Ahead! Hello folks, and welcome to February’s Look Ahead. It’s the month of love. Y’all got dates? I’m not one of those bitter single people….yet (ask me in a few years then we’ll see…). Anyways, here’s what I’m psyched for this coming month!

Monthly look ahead

  • Deadpool, aka the newest Marvel movie, and it comes out on the 12th. It’s rated R and full of Deadpool’s crude antics, but I’m excited. It’ll be interesting to see how it is. Considering how brilliant their marketing is, I have high hopes.
  • Reading week! A university student’s favourite seven days! I wish I could say that I’d be able to enjoy them without having to worry about schoolwork at all, but I have midterms and projects due the week after so….the struggle is real. Either way, it’ll be nice to go home and hang with friends.
  • Tumblr Valentines. Have y’all seen these? They’re just silly valentines, and I find them hilarious. So much so that I gather some and give them to friends, in a fun platonic way. Here are some winners from past years:




So….that’s about it. Kind of a quiet month. Not much new or exciting. Maybe your months are more exciting? I can’t wait to find out when reading your own Monthly Look Ahead Posts!

In other news, maybe you saw on my Facebook page, I had an idea and want YOUR help! I’m thinking of doing a ‘How To Blog’ post where I could outline steps and tips to get newbies set up. Something I wish I had when I started a blog at the ripe age of 15. I also thought it’d be really neat if I had a bunch of bloggers help out and offer tips and tricks that they find useful. Let me know if you’d be interested in helping and doing this mini collab with me! I think it could be really fun, beneficial, and important!

That’s all for now!

4 thoughts on “Monthly Look Ahead: February 2016

  1. Well, my best advice to you is to just simply focus, focus, focus! Focusing on your writing for your blog, plus trying to come up with a really good idea to first put into a draft and then copying the draft onto what you are writing for your blog, would surely help!(PS-Don’t forget to visit my blog, too-It’s at!-JW 😉

    • The advice isn’t for me, I’ve been blogging for years! Ideally I wanted a bunch of experienced bloggers like myself to all work together to make a post for new people, but I go no responses so that idea was kind of scrapped…thanks though!

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